PHPLinkMonger project page

PHPLinkMonger is planned to be a small, modular, theme-enabled MySQL-backed repository for commented links placed within categories. It offers a link management system, search, and import/export system. Under development is an installer consisting of a combination of a shell script and webpages.

PHPLinkMonger is a small project to provide a modular system to maintain a database of links for personal use or integration within a larger website. It will offer compatibility with a variety of databases (including MySQL, PostgreSQL & Oracle).

Download the 0.5beta release: linkmonger-0.5b.tar.gz Note: This release only works with "register_globals = On" in your php.ini file. I'll release an update shortly that will fix the problem, and probably include some new functionality. I am strongly considering a PostNuke and/or XOOPS module format as well, with moderated collaborative link support. If you are interested in this functionality, please let me know via e-mail. [Added 2-13-03]

SourceForge page for PHPLinkMonger
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